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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Next Android Coming Version Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie
10 features of Android 5.0
News 30 Apr, 2013
Visual voicemail, revamped messaging and enhanced multitasking are just some of things we'd like to see.
Android 5.0 will be the next edition of the world's most popular Smartphone operating system.
Developed under the codename Android Key Lime Pie (KLP), this version of the software is a major refresh and is expected to introduce a raft of features as well as a boost in performance.
IT Pro has compiled a list of 10 other improvements we'd like to see in Android 5.0. Do you agree?  Are there any features you'd like to see Google introduce? Let us know below.
10. Visual voice mail
There are apps which provide this service in the US, but there is little love for users in the UK.
Google and its OEM partners should use their close ties with carriers to kick start this service in the UK. A native app would be useful to people who are frequently in meetings as they can quickly check whether a voice mail they have received is urgent.
9. Beef up Google Now
Google Now was introduced in 2011 as part of Android Jelly Bean 4.1, but it's usefulness is largely restricted to the US.
In the UK, the software primarily functions as a reminder tool for events you may have – and is always on hand to show you how long it will take to get home from any given location. We expect Google to make some more partnership announcements, which will extend the usefulness of Now outside of the grand ol’ USA.
8. Ability to turn off OEM skins on any device
When Android 5.0 KLP launches, it is expected to arrive on a brand-new handset carrying Google’s 'Nexus' branding. 
Likely to be dubbed the Nexus 5, this Smartphone will ship with the vanilla version of Android, and will be developer friendly. OEMs such as HTC, LG and Samsung will place their custom skins over the top of Android KLP when it is released on their handsets to differentiate them.
It would be good if Google built-in a master switch into Android, giving users the choice to switch off these OEM skins without having to root devices.
The chances of this happening though are virtually zero. OEMs such as HTC and Samsung add features which will only work with their respective skins active, and they are not going to want to let users disable them. Google is unlikely to pull rank on its partners too – as it feels that one of the strengths of the operating system is its customization.
7. Child/Business-friendly modes as standard
Kids Corner was a useful feature that Microsoft introduced in the Windows Phone 8 OS. Microsoft effectively built a sandbox into the mobile OS, allowing users to lock down sensitive information like emails, while allowing kids to access features such as games. It would be good to see Google incorporate a similar feature into Android.
BlackBerry built-in its Balance feature into Z10 smart phones. This allows IT admins to separate business and personal data – and means that employees cannot copy sensitive information from one side to the other. It also means when a user leaves an organization, the business side of the handset can be wiped without affecting the personal information.
Samsung is already trying to make inroads into the enterprise by launching a Secured Edition of Android known as Knox. This aims to replicate the functionality of BlackBerry Balance, so it is possible to do so.
6. Find my Droid
You'd expect a simple feature like this to be included in a comprehensive system such as Android, but it has yet to materialize. 
With the firm’s extensive mapping service, and GPS included into handset, it shouldn’t be too much of a stretch for Google to build this functionality into the heart of the OS.
5. Revamped messaging
This is the feature which has been talked about extensively, due to information leaking. It will be interesting to see to how Google goes about tackling messaging in a world where apps such as Whatsapp dominate.
Google's "Babel” service is expected to allow users to access messages across Android Smartphone’s and tablets. The web giant is also tipped to launch clients for other popular platforms such as iOS.
Folks over at the Google Operating System blog found a JavaScript file on Gmail servers appearing to confirm the existence of Babel and some of the key features it will include:
  • Redesigned conversation-based UI
  • Access conversation lists from Smartphone’s, tablet and PCs
  • Advanced group conversations          
  • Ability to send pictures
  • Improved notifications across devices 
4. Offline maps and better control over location settings
Nokia has been leading the way in this field by allowing users to download comprehensive guidance and then use it for free offline. Google already offers comprehensive guidance through its Maps and Navigation apps, but it does crunch through battery when in use.
Privacy hasn't been a strong point for Google, with the firm receiving numerous fines about collecting data from individuals. A way in which Google could try and rebuild its privacy image would be to let users choose whether they want to share their location.
iOS already allows users to turn off location services on individual apps if they choose to. This feature would be welcome on Android so you don’t have all your apps sending off data. Of course it would help to save battery life too.
3. Improved battery life and performance
There are whispers that Google will upgrade the framework of Android to the Linux 3.8 Kernel. What does this mean for regular users? 
In short, such an upgrade should make Android less memory hungry. Devices should become more efficient as they gobble up less RAM for tasks and intern this should result in improved battery life.
Google introduced its Project Butter initiate with Jelly Bean to help solve the latency issues Android was experiencing. This has gone a long way toward reducing the perceived “lag” associated with Android. Improvements to Butter are expected.
2. Enhanced multitasking
Android has been at the forefront of mobile computing when it comes to features such as multitasking. Users are able to run multiple apps at the same time and flick between them.
With the forthcoming Galaxy S4, Samsung will allow users to snap two apps onto the screen of the 5in device, so they can be used at the same time. It’ll be possible to watch videos when replying to emails, or surf the internet and make notes.
It would be great to see Google take the initiative and make a multitasking feature like this standard across all high-end handsets.
1. Complete Android backup
Although it is possible to sync key features such as contacts and apps with a Gmail account – a full blown native backup is lacking from Android handsets.
When you switch between Android handsets, photos, music and text messages are lost in the transition, as are any customizations you have made.
Apple already has a cloud backup service, which works well when you upgrade your iPhone– and we hope Google will introduce something similar to this with Android KLP

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